Association By-Laws

Article I Name
Article II Mission
Article III Objectives
Article IV Membership
Article V Finances
Article VI Officers, Officer’s Duties and Elections
Article VII Duties of the Executive Board
Article VIII Meetings
Article IX Committees
Article X Political Activity
Article XI Rules of Order
Article XII Amendments
Article XIII Delegates to Conventions and Conferences
Article XIV General Membership Meeting
Enclosure 1 New Member Obligation

Article I Name
Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Federal Managers Association, Chapter 14, of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility and Support Facilities, a corporation under the provisions of the Washington Non-Profit Corporation Act.

Article II Mission
Section 1. The mission of Chapter 14 of the Federal Managers Association (FMA) is to advocate excellence in public service.
Section 2. The mission of the Executive Board is to provide the organization with financial integrity; to treat FMA members with dignity and respect; build relationships with the community; participate with other management, union and employee organizations to further the good of the Shipyard; anticipate and deal with trends in areas impacting our membership; to take proactive stances on issues affecting our members and to work cooperatively with the national office and other FMA organizations.

Article III Objectives

Section 1. Objectives:
(a) To strive by regular and reasonable means to improve conditions of employment and to represent managers in dealings with higher authority.
(b) To promote, support and participate in training programs and otherwise qualify managers for positions of leadership and greater responsibility in management.
(c) To further encourage a spirit of good will, harmony and cooperation between managers at all levels in the various shops and codes.
(d) To develop and support a spirit of loyalty to the United States Government and to take a constructive and active part in local civic affairs which affect the health and welfare of the community.
(e) To promote, support and defend legislation clearly beneficial to the membership and to the nation.
(f) To vigorously oppose legislation clearly detrimental to the welfare of the membership and the nation’s security.
(g) To abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Federal Managers Association.
(h) To promote justice, maintain integrity and assure equality for all.

Article IV Membership

Section 1. Membership:
Membership is open to federal employees responsible for or associated with the supervision or management of people, programs or activities consistent with government-wide rules and regulations. This Association shall be free of restrictions or practices denying membership because of race, sex, color, age, religion, handicap, or national origin. Members who have previously qualified under Article IV and in good standing who have been reassigned to a position below managerial/supervisory grade, or impacted by Shipyard organizational restructuring, may retain his/her membership through continuation of dues payment and support of the Association’s principles.

Section 2. Regular Members: This category includes all federal supervisory or managerial personnel. Regular members may hold elected or appointed positions of Chapter 14. Eligibility for regular membership extends to persons responsible for or associated with the management and supervision of people, programs and resources.

Section 3. Retired Or Separated Members:
(a) Any retired, retiring or separating from federal service member leaving under honorable conditions, may apply to retain their chapter membership and be entitled to all the rights, benefits and privileges of the Federal Managers Association, Chapter 14 as allowed by these bylaws. These members may be elected or appointed to office as noted in Article VI, Section 1 sub paragraph (a). Dues: $78.00 annually.
(b) Retired members may obtain life membership by application through the Financial Secretary or they may elect to become a retired member. Dues: Lifetime $250.00 one-time payment set by the National Office.

Section 4. Associate Members: This category includes individuals not qualifying for regular membership, but who possess a direct interest in the purpose and goals of the Association. Associate members shall be entitled to all rights, benefits and privileges of FMA, Chapter 14 as allowed by these bylaws. Associate Members may be converted to Regular Members once they meet the eligibility requirements for regular membership and approval of the Executive Board. Associate members may be elected or appointed to office as noted in Article VI, Section 1 sub paragraph (a).

Section 5. Honorary Members: Honorary membership may be granted to a person who could not otherwise qualify and who is deemed worthy of this honor by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board of this Association present at time of said vote.
(a) Honorary members shall be entitled to attend all meetings and social functions of this Association.
(b) Honorary members shall pay no dues and have no vote in the assembly.
(c) Honorary members shall not hold any elected or appointed office, nor be a delegate of this Association.
(d) Honorary members shall not have a voice in the assembly except with the consent of the body.

Section 6. Applications for Membership:
(a) An application for membership shall be submitted to the Membership Coordinator either electronically or hardcopy for eligibility verification. In addition, the Financial Secretary must be provided either a signed request for payroll deduction form or cash dues for a minimum of one year.
(b) Prior to recommending (sponsoring) a person for membership into FMA, the sponsor is required to ensure that the applicant meets the eligibility requirements for membership as defined in Article IV, Section 1 prior to forwarding the application to the Membership Coordinator.
(c) Approval shall be acknowledged by the Financial Secretary’s signature, as recommended by their sponsor on the request for payroll deduction form or by issuance of (cash) dues receipt.

Section 7. Dues in Arrears:
Members shall lose their good standing when they become two months (60 days) in arrears in their dues. Members shall stand automatically suspended when they become three months (90 days) in arrears in their dues, and they will be so notified in writing by the Membership Coordinator.

Section 8. Reinstatement:
All applications for reinstatement to active membership shall take the same course and be governed by the same laws as for new members, IAW Article IV, Section 6 and subject to Executive Board approval.

Article V Finances

Section 1. Revenue:
(a) The revenue of this Chapter shall be derived from membership dues, savings interest and fees.
(b) All cash dues collected shall be receipted in duplicate form; one copy to the dues paying member, and one copy to the Financial Secretary.

Section 2. Dues:
(a) Retired member’s dues will be one-half of the regular membership dues.
(b) The membership dues of this Chapter shall be $8.00 per pay period or $208.00 per year payable annually. All membership dues are subject to change based on budgetary requirements and as approved by a majority vote of members present at a regular meeting. Dues for new members will be prorated through December. Any increase in dues will be proposed during annual budget review.
(c) Lifetime Retired Membership Dues: A Retired Member in good standing at the time of retirement may retain membership in this chapter. Dues will be set by the National Office to be paid one time (currently $250.00). The Lifetime Retired Member will be entitled to all benefits and privileges at the National and Chapter level.
(d) The President, Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Coordinator will be exempt from payment of dues during their term of office. If on payroll deductions, the dues will be reimbursed from the Dues Refund budget line item. Should individuals serving in above position be unable to complete their term of office, then individuals either elected or assigned to complete term of office will have their dues pro-rated and reimbursed. Individuals unable to complete term of office will have their dues pro-rated for time in office and reimbursed as such.

Section 3. Expenses:
The funds of this Chapter shall be used to defray all expenses approved by the Executive Board within guidelines of the annual budget or as otherwise approved by the membership. Single item expenditures of $500.00 or less may be authorized by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board present at a board meeting.

Section 4. Per Capita Tax Collection:
Nothing in this Constitution or Bylaws shall prohibit the Treasurer from acting as agent for collection and forwarding per capita tax via the Financial Secretary.

Article VI Officers, Officer’s Duties and Election

Section 1. Officers:
(a) The officers of this chapter shall consist of: President, one immediate past president (for the first year only after their tenure as president), 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, and 3rd Vice President who shall be regular members. The Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator and seven trustees may be Regular, Associate, or Retired members. These officers shall constitute the Executive Board. Note: Associate Board members of the chapter are considered non-voting members at the National Convention.
(b) An elected national officer from this Chapter is granted an ex-officio membership on the Executive Board. In the event that the ex-officio member holds a current office on the board, the President shall declare that position vacant subject to appointment.

Section 2. Election and Installation of Officers:
(a) All officers shall be elected from the general membership of Chapter 14.
(b) Nomination of Officers shall be made during the March and April meetings. The Nomination Committee shall make their nominations during the March meeting, and nominations from the floor shall be made during the April meeting. Election of officers shall be held at the regular May meeting by printed ballot. Installation of officers shall be held at the regular June meeting of each year unless otherwise specified by the newly elected President.
(c) Nominations made by the Nominating Committee shall in no way limit the opportunity for nominations from the floor at any time nominations are in order.
(d) No member will be eligible to run for office if he/she is delinquent in dues or fees.
(e) No suspended member or expelled member can run for any office.
(f) No suspended or expelled member can retain his/her office.
(g) Voting by absentee ballot (either electronically or paper ballot) shall be permitted only when requested by the eligible member. Typical reasons for an absentee request are:
(1) in a leave status;
(2) on official government business;
(3) on Local Chapter business;
(4) unable to attend for personal reasons; or
(5) any member affected by change of shift shall be permitted to vote upon request to the Recording Secretary a maximum of two days prior to the election and returned to the Recording Secretary prior to 1400 hours the day of the election.
(h) In the event that balloting for office results in a tie, the winner shall be determined by a second ballot cast by those members eligible to vote for the office present at the May membership meeting.

Section 3. Period of Office:
(a) An office term shall be one year in length. (Usually June through May)
(b) All officers shall serve until their successors have been qualified.

Section 4. Nominee Eligibility:
Each nominee for office shall have been a member in good standing for at least six months prior to nomination.

Section 5. The President:
(a) It shall be the responsibility of the President to perform the following duties: Shall be the senior officer and shall preside over the Executive Board and all meetings of this Chapter; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except for the Nominating Committee; shall call all lawfully requested special meetings; and may sign vouchers for expenditures of any money authorized by this Chapter as approved by the Executive Board and authorized by the membership; and shall conduct any and all official correspondence.

Section 6. The Vice Presidents:
(a) One of the three Vice Presidents, at the option of the President or Executive Board, shall preside at any meeting in the absence of the President.
(b) The Vice Presidents shall also perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office or as assigned to them by the President.

Section 7. Recording Secretary:
It shall be the responsibility of the Recording Secretary to perform the following duties:
(a) shall process all the correspondence for and in the name of Chapter 14;
(b) shall keep minutes and all records of the Chapter and the Executive Board meetings;
(c) shall not make public or disclose such information unless authorized to do so by the Executive Board with the exception of routine correspondence; and
(d) shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office or as assigned to them by the President.

Section 8. Financial Secretary:
It shall be the responsibility of the Financial Secretary to perform the following duties:
(a) shall collect dues, fees, and all money due this Chapter and pay them over to the Treasurer;
(b) shall collect payroll deduction forms or cancellation forms from potential or current members;
(c) shall create and maintain income reports for all monies received;
(d) shall issue signed vouchers to the Treasurer for payment of all bills authorized by this Chapter;
(e) shall provide financial records as requested on order of the Audit Committee and
(f) shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office or as assigned to them by the President.

Section 9. The Treasurer:
It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to perform the following duties:
(a) shall receive all monies from the Financial Secretary;
(b) shall draw such checks on the treasury as necessary to pay all vouchers issued and signed by the Financial Secretary;
(c) shall deposit all monies in a financial institution, or a federally insured savings account with disbursements made by check;
(d) shall maintain a systematic account of all monetary transactions in such a way as to show balance of cash on hand;
(e) shall have on file all receipted bills;
(f) shall present report at the Executive Board meetings of all monies received and disbursed since the last regular meeting, and the amount of money on hand;
(g) shall provide financial records as requested on order of Chapter 14, the President or the Audit Committee; and
(h) shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office or as assigned to them by the President.

Section 10. Trustees:
It shall be the responsibility of the Trustees to perform the following duties:
(a) shall audit Chapter 14 financial records prior to January’s meeting, and at any other time on order of Chapter 14; shall provide report of the annual audit at February’s regular meeting;
(b) shall on approval of the Executive Board, employ the services of an accountant to assist them with the audit; and
(c) shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office or as assigned to them by the President.

Section 11. Membership Coordinator:
It shall be the responsibility of the Membership Coordinator to perform the following duties:
(a) shall process membership applications;
(b) shall maintain an official Chapter 14 roster;
(c) shall maintain all databases associated with Chapter 14 membership;
(d) shall reconcile Chapter 14 roster against FMA National Database yearly and monthly reconcile roster against Payroll Deduction reports;
(e) shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office or as assigned to them by the President.

Section 12. Immediate Past President:
It shall be the responsibility of the Immediate Past President to perform the following duties:
(a) shall serve in an advisory capacity; providing ideas, opinions, and support to the board;
(b) shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office or as assigned to them by the President.

Section 13. Vacancies:
(a) One of the Vice Presidents shall be appointed by the Executive Board to fill a vacancy occurring in the office of President.
(b) In the event a vacancy occurs in any office, other than the office of the President, when a portion of the officer’s term remains, the presiding officer shall request nominations from the membership in the regular meeting following the date of determination that a vacancy exists. The nominee elected by a majority vote of the members present shall serve the remainder of the term of office. The elected nominee must be a member in good standing for a minimum of six months.

Article VII Duties of the Executive Board

Section 1. Meetings:
(a) The Executive Board (E-board) shall convene each month at a location selected by the President. The President is also authorized to convene special meetings as required by a majority of the E-board. One half of the E-board shall constitute a quorum.
(b) E-board monthly meetings and special meetings are closed meetings, unless a member petitions the E-board to conduct/discuss business. The E-board may request a third party to present a proposal to the board before inviting the third party to a regularly scheduled dinner meeting.
(c) A quorum is necessary to conduct all business of the Executive Board.
(d) E-board members failing to attend two regularly scheduled meetings, during their current term of office, without receiving an excused absence, shall be replaced under the guidelines of Article VI Section 13. E-board members must apply to the President or the President’s appointed representative for an excused absence prior to the missed meeting.

Section 2. Purpose:
The E-board shall study business referred to it, take action or make recommendations to the Chapter, and shall be charged with the dispatch of routine and emergency business requiring immediate attention.

Section 3. Member Expulsion:
The E-board, upon recommendation of the Membership Committee, may expel any member by unanimous vote, after duly notifying said member and offering them the opportunity of a hearing.

In the event, any member is expelled from this Chapter; their advance dues shall be refunded to them.

Article VIII Meetings

Section 1. Regular Meetings:
The regular meeting of this Chapter shall be held once monthly, except during July and August, at a time and place selected by the E-board.

Section 2. Special Meetings:
A special meeting may be called by the President, the Executive Board or by ten percent (10%) of the members of the Chapter. Any request by the membership shall be in writing to the Executive Board. Notification of the special meeting to the general membership shall be made a minimum of two days in advance of the meeting. Advertisements in the press shall be considered sufficient notice.

Section 3. Quorum:
(a) Eight percent (8%) of the members shall constitute a quorum for any chapter meeting.
(b) The President shall determine that a quorum is present prior to the opening of a business meeting. Once a quorum is declared present, the quorum will be considered present for the duration of the meeting.

Section 4. Suspension of the Bylaws:
At meetings, suspension of the Bylaws of the Chapter shall be permitted for a specific item of business by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present.

Section 5. Non-Member Attendance:
Unless declared a closed meeting, any member may, with proper reservations for seating, have non-members as guests during the General Membership Meeting.

Article IX Committees

Section 1. Committee Membership:
All committees appointed shall normally consist of three or more members and shall be appointed by the President except for the Nominating Committee. Committees shall make their reports and recommendations to the Chapter. Expenses incurred by such duly appointed committees shall be reimbursed as approved by the Executive Board.

Article X Political Activity

Section 1. Definition:
This Chapter shall be non-partisan, non-sectional and non-sectarian.

Article XI Rules of Order

Section 1. Roberts Rules of Order:
The latest revised edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by this Constitution and Bylaws.

Article XII Amendments

Section 1. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws:
Proposed amendments and changes to the Bylaws shall be made in writing and presented at any regular meeting. They shall be read at the first regular meeting without debate, and the second regular meeting with debate according to Robert’s Rules of Order and voted on. A two-thirds majority vote of members present shall be necessary for adoption. As an alternative, proposed amendments and changes to the Bylaws can be emailed out to the membership, provided 14 business days for comments, and voted on electronically with a two-thirds majority necessary for adoption.

Article XIII Delegates to Conventions and Conferences

Section 1. Attendees:
(a) Chapter 14 may send delegates to the National and miscellaneous conventions provided sufficient funds are available and have been budgeted for the current year. Delegates are required to be an active participant for the duration of any convention/conference they’re in attendance of on behalf of Chapter 14. Failure to attend the entire convention/conference may require the attendee to reimburse the chapter for expenses paid by the chapter. The E-board will convene a special meeting to hear any mitigating circumstances and determine if attendee will be required to reimburse the chapter.
(b) The delegation to the National Convention should include at least two members that attended a previous Conference.
(c) All delegations should include the President of this Chapter.

Article XIV General Membership Meeting

Section 1. Order of Business:
Meetings shall be conducted using Roberts Rules of Order as a guide.

Section 2. Obligation of Officers:
I, (name), do sincerely promise on my honor to perform all duties of my office according to the Constitution and Bylaws of Chapter 14, Federal Managers Association until my successor is elected and qualified. I will be faithful in attendance at all regular and special meetings of the Chapter and Executive Board. Should the Chapter lapse or cease to function, I will return to the officer legally authorized to receive them, all bonds, monies, and property of the Chapter in my custody.

Section 3. Obligation of New Members:
1. Read the Objectives of the Chapter (Enclosure 1)
2. Members repeat the following obligation:
I, (name), having heard the objects of this chapter, do sincerely promise to uphold and support them and otherwise abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of Chapter 14, Federal Managers Association.

New Member Obligation

Chapter Objectives
(a) To strive by regular and reasonable means to improve conditions of employment and to represent managers in dealings with higher authority.
(b) To promote, support and participate in training programs and otherwise qualify managers for positions of leadership and greater responsibility in management.
(c) To further encourage a spirit of good will, harmony and cooperation between managers at all levels.
(d) To develop and support a spirit of loyalty to the United States Government, and to take a constructive and active part in local civic affairs which affect the health and welfare of the community;
(e) To abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Federal Managers Association, and
(f) To promote justice, maintain integrity and assure equality for all.

I, (name)…having heard the objectives of this Chapter…do sincerely promise to uphold and support them…and otherwise abide by the Constitution and Bylaws… of Chapter 14 Federal Managers Association.

Welcome to Chapter 14 of the FMA

Note: Before you leave this evening check in with the Membership Coordinator to ensure that you are properly documented.