Tyler Lucke

I started out life in the Navy as a Navy kid; living in Navy houses, on Navy bases, and around Navy ships.  Mom got all of our groceries at the Commissary.  I remember getting my first tour of a nuclear submarine when I was 3.  It was the Kamehameha; a brand new boat at the time.  My grandparents were visiting us in Hawaii; it was their vacation of a lifetime.  After that I moved through 4 other states and 7 schools before moving to Washington in the Summer of ’79.  We ended up driving pretty much across the whole state from Spokane and west.  I remember thinking it didn’t look anything like the pictures and 16 mm films I had seen in school about what Washington was supposed to look like.  Finally after hours on the road (it was the 55 mile/hr speed limit back then); it started to look like the pictures after we passed Ellensburg.  

I spent my 3 years in Silverdale going to Central Kitsap High School.  After a few years at various jobs, I started in the Shop 31 Apprenticeship in 1991.  After surviving all of the RIF’s and rightsizings; I started with the FMA about 8 years ago.  I was soon the Shop 31 rep, then got elected trustee a few years later; and then Vice President this year.  It has been rewarding to see some of our legislative priorities come to action ie: Self-plus one health insurance; and reinstatement of full Per Diem reimbursements. I have attended one of the Regional Conferences (San Diego) and look forward to our local one here in November.